Magnetron sputtering system
Magnetron sputtering system for layer deposition
Used for layer deposition of conductive and non-conductive materials equipped with
- DC and RF sputtering sources
- Heating/bias voltage/rotation stage of the substrate
- 2 target stations
Metallographic equipment
Struers Tegramin 25 automatic sample polisher
- Motorised Zeiss Axio Imager.Z2m optical microscope with automatic focusing, Bright/Dark Field, Circular Differential Interference Contrast, x100 objective magnification
- Struers Tegramin 25 automatic grinder/polisher with 6 sample positions
- Struers Lectropol 5 for automatic electropolishing and etching
- Buehler IsoMet low-speed saw
- Buehler Minimet 1000 grinder/polisher
- Fume hood for chemical processing and preparation of samples
High temperature furnace
Thermal treatment
Various annealing furnaces under high vacuum or inert atmospheres up to 1750 ºC
Radioactive materials handling
- Shielded fumehoods
- Glove boxes
- Dry hot cells