Development of INRASTES research activities in the framework of the National Research and Technology Strategy for Smart Specialization (MIS 5002559).
2017-2023 | Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)

The Project aims towards the substantial convergence of the Institute’s activities by attracting young talented Researchers who focus their efforts on thematic interfaces while establishing practices to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
The project includes five Work Packages selected to highlight the Institute’s activities in the selected areas of Research, Technology and Innovation (RIS3): Energy, Environment, Health & Radiopharmaceuticals, Materials and Agro-Biotechnology-Food Safety.
Activities related to hydrogen technologies (production, storage, safety, distribution, applications) are developed in WP1, “Energy”; concentrated solar systems and smart electricity transmission and distribution networks are also being studied. WP2 “Environment” aims to address crucial environmental challenges for the benefit of industry, consumers and the environment: Air pollution – Climate Change – Metal recycling – Environmental burden and impact.
In WP3 “Health-Radiopharmaceuticals”, research activities cover Biodiagnostic Sciences and Technologies as well as Radiological Sciences and Molecular Radiopharmacy. In WP4 “Materials”, priorities include advanced materials for energy systems and environmental applications, structural materials with advanced features, such as resistance to radiation, high thermal loads, mechanical stresses and thermal shocks, liquid crystalline nanocomposites and activities in nanomaterial safety.
Finally, in WP5 “Agrobiotechnology-Food Safety”, activities are performed in relation to food safety and the development of immunochemical techniques and the implementation of immunosensors for the determination of mycotoxins in food samples.


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