Scientific Coordination of the tasks:
- Radiation damage in Fe and Fe-Cr alloys by electrical resistivity measurements
- Short-range ordering kinetics in Fe-Cr alloys under irradiation
- Effect of iron ion irradiation on the structural and magnetic properties of thin Fe layers
- Magnetic properties and short range order in model FeCr alloys
- Magnetic and electrical properties of nano-structured ODSFS
- Experimental validation of phase stability of Fe-Cr alloys by XRD, SANS and Mösssbauer measurements
- Determination of magnetic and structural properties in FeCr alloys
- SiC coatings on EUROFER
- Phase transformations in FeCr alloys
- Neutron Streaming Calculations – Blanket
- Measurements and calculations of neutron streaming through JET Torus hall ducts
- Development of a gamma ray spectrometry method for non-destructive evaluation of induced radioactivity at components of a fusion device