European Safety & Reliability Conference
2010-2010 | International funding

A major activity for the SRIS laboratory for the year 2010 was the organisation of the International Conference ESREL (European Safety and Reliability) 2010, an annual conference series promoted by the European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA). The conference dates back to 1989 and it has become well established in the international community, attracting a good mix of academics and industry participants presenting and discussing subjects of interest and application across various industries. The Conference theme was “Reliability, Risk and Safety: Back to the Future” and covered a number of topics within reliability, risk and safety, including risk and reliability analysis methods, maintenance optimisation, human factors, risk management, etc. The application areas ranged from nuclear engineering, oil and gas industry, electrical and civil engineering to information technology and communication, security, transportation, health and medicine or critical infrastructures. Significant consideration was given also to the societal factors influencing the use of reliability and risk assessment methods. Integral demonstrations of the use of risk analysis and safety assessment were provided in many practical applications concerning major technological systems and structures.

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INRASTES - Official Web Site
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