
(Radio)diagnostic - (Radio)therapeutic Peptides and Peptide-like Molecules for Use in Oncology
2007-2014 | EMC, Rotterdam/Biosynthema Lt MO/USA

The research project “(Radio)diagnostic – (Radio)therapeutic Peptides and Peptide-like Molecules for Use in Oncology” coded Ε11461 with a 7-year duration (2007-2014) is coordinated by B. A. Nock. It concerns a research cooperation of the Molecular Radiopharmacy team with the Department of Nuclear Medicine & Radiology, Erasmus University MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and is sponsored by Biosynthema Inc. (later on ADACAP: https://www.adacap.com/aaa-acquires-biosynthema-inc-st-louis-missouri-to-enter-radiopharmaceutical-cancer-therapeutic-market/). The cooperation aims at the development of new theranostic radiopharmaceuticals, based on peptides and peptidomimetics, for molecular targeting of cancer in human.


Major Achievements

Major achievements of the research project “(Radio)diagnostic – (Radio)therapeutic Peptides and Peptide-like Molecules for Use in Oncology” are:
• The introduction of a new concept for the in situ stabilization of biodegradable radiopeptides, leading to
∗ Marie Curie Award at EANM’13: https://www.eanm.org/congresses-events/awards-grants/winners/
∗ Patent by EPO and USPTO: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=EP&NR=2729183&KC=&FT=E&locale=en_EP
• Development of new GRPR-directed theranostic radiopharmaceuticals for targeting human cancers, leading to:
∗ Patent by EPO and USPTO: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20201214&CC=KR&NR=20200139846A&KC=A
∗ Identification of the theranostic radioligand [68Ga]Ga/[177Lu]Lu-NeoBOMB1 for further multi-center clinical validation aiming at radiopharmaceutical development sponsored by pharmaceutical industry (ADACAP now acquired by Novartis) (ADACAP Pipeline: https://www.adacap.com/pipeline/)

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