MTR+I3 objective was to build a durable cooperation between Material Testing Reactor (MTR) operators and relevant laboratories that can maintain European leadership with updated capabilities and competences regarding reactor performances and irradiation technology. The project covered activities that foster integration of the MTR community involved in designing, fabricating and operating irradiation devices through information exchange, know-how cross-fertilization, exchanges of interdisciplinary personnel, structuring of key-technology suppliers and professional training. The network produced best practice guidelines for selected irradiation activities. MTR+I3 allowed to launch or to improve technical studies in various domains dealing with irradiation test device technology, experimental loop designs and instrumentation.
Major results of the project concern in particular: on-line fuel power determination, neutron screen optimization, simulation of transmutation process, power transient systems, water chemistry and stress corrosion cracking, fission gas measurement, behavior of electronic modules under irradiation, mechanical loading under irradiation, high temperature gas loop technology, heavy liquid metal loop development and test of safety instrumentation. Regarding in particular the NCSR Demokritos participation, the Computational Nuclear Technology group was involved in the development of a numerical model for the assessment of the gamma heating generated in a small sample irradiated in a Research Reactor core as well as in the definition of education and training procedures.