Technical Scientific Personnel, Chemical Engineer

2019: He completed his Ph.D., which was conducted at the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Title of Ph.D. Thesis: “Optical, microphysical, and physico-chemical properties of aerosols using in situ and remote sensing measurements in Athens Metropolitan and the Eastern Mediterranean Area”.

2001: Dipl. Chemical Engineer, School of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). Title of Thesis: “Chemical and toxic evaluation of wet and dry deposition samples from urban and industrial areas”.

Main activities and responsibilities

a. Design and function of experimental measurement systems for the size distribution and physical properties of aerosols at the IPTA-NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” in Athens, Greece. Responsible for the function and database of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory station in Athens, Greece.

b. Determination of air mass circulation patterns.

c. Identification of potential geographic source areas for various pollutants.

d. Development of pollution abatements strategies.

e. Aerosol instrument measurements reporting to ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure network) database.

f. Combining chemical and physical properties of aerosols in order to estimate their impact on climate and human health.



Selected Publications

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